The Pre-Elementary Department focuses on the basic skills in reading, writing and basic knowledge in Mathematics and Science. They also learn the fundamentals of our Catholic faith and develop the spirit of service with humility and simplicity.
The Elementary pupils fully aware of the development of their physical, emotional and intellectual faculties, are expected to strengthen the primary skills and knowledge they acquired from Pre-Elem. Level. The different learning areas such as: Religion, English, Values Education, Science, Filipino, Social Science, Mathematics, HLE, MAPE and computer are given importance to further improve their academic competence.
High School
The High School curriculum primarily aims at reinforcing, intensifying and reaffirming the spiritual, civic and intellectual skills and values acquired in the grade school. The additional subjects like Technology & Home Economics, Statistics, Trigonometry, Speech and Journalism further seeks to provide the learners with substantial competence and preparation for the higher education with deep spiritual and moral values, so as to become committed Filipino Catholics and upright citizens of our country.